PJC juice programs are a tried and true way to add nutrients to your diet and feel your best every day

A word about doing business during the covid-19 pandemic…

The past years have been challenging in ways I never could have anticipated. Launching and growing a nationally certified wholesale program under these circumstances has been particularly tricky considering the supply chain hang ups, shipping delays, labor shortages and rising costs of, well, everything - as well as the pandemic related closures that frequently affect our wholesale partners. With all this said I am relieved to report that PJC and our newest brand Vibrant Sunshine are healthy, stable and poised for another exciting year in 2022.

With unprecedented times, though, comes a degree of uncertainty. After experiencing first hand the effects of shipping delays and supply chain shortages early in the pandemic, I recognized the need to plan in advance… waaaay in advance! For example, plans had to be set in motion back in July for juice we are selling today in December. That means, production volumes had to be decided upon, labels designed and printed, bottles ordered, decorators contracted and all of these parts and pieces had to make their respective shipping deadlines to meet one another along their journey - ultimately landing back with us, so our bottles could be filled in a timely manner with freshly juiced organic produce that we just had to cross our fingers would be available when needed. Luckily, this planning has eliminated any mass juice shortages for ourselves or our partners. I will tell you first hand though that it’s difficult to accurately predict the future! So while we don’t have a shortage, instead we have a surplus! And what that means is PJC has been running an unprecedented sale to go along with these unprecedented times.

If you haven’t already, I hope you’ll take advantage of our “almost too good to be true” 40% discount on our 8oz juice programs, which are available for local pick up and delivery, as well as nationwide shipping. We have a limited number of discounted programs still available and the sale will end Friday, December 24th at midnight (if we don’t sell out sooner). You can find the link on the PJC landing page.

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